
Breast, Colorectal, and Pancreatic Cancer Mortality With Pathogenic Variants in ATM, CHEK2, or PALB2

The Genetic Information and Family Testing (GIFT) study: trial design and protocol

Genetic Counseling, Testing, and Family Communication Into Survivorship After Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Genetic Testing After Diagnosis of Cancer

Chemotherapy Regimens Received by Women With BRCA1/2 Pathogenic Variants for Early Stage Breast Cancer Treatment

Cascade Genetic Risk Education and Testing in Families With Hereditary Cancer Syndromes: A Pilot Study

Association of Genetic Testing Results With Mortality Among Women With Breast Cancer or Ovarian Cancer  

Time Trends in Receipt of Germline Genetic Testing and Results for Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer or Ovarian Cancer, 2012-2019

Kurian AW, Ward KC, Abrahamse P, Bondarenko I, Hamilton AS, Deapen D, Morrow M, Berek JS, Hofer TP, Katz SJ. Journal of Clinical Oncology. Published online February 9, 2021 [ePub ahead…

Emerging Opportunity of Cascade Genetic Testing for Population-Wide Cancer Prevention and Control

Kurian AW, Katz SJ. J Clin Oncol. Published online February 25, 2020 [Epub ahead of print]

Association of Germline Genetic Testing Results With Locoregional and Systemic Therapy in Patients With Breast Cancer

Kurian AW, Ward KC, Abrahamse P, Hamilton AS, Deapen D, Morrow M, Jagsi R, Katz SJ. JAMA Oncology. Published online February 6, 2020 [Epub ahead of print]

Patterns and Correlates of Knowledge, Communication, and Receipt of Breast Reconstruction in a Modern Population-Based Cohort of Patients with Breast Cancer

Momoh AO, Griffith KA, Hawley ST, Morrow M, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Shumway DA, Katz SJ, Jagsi R. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2019;144(2):303-313.

Primary care provider-reported involvement in breast cancer treatment decisions

Wallner LP, Li Y, McLeod MC, Gargaro J, Kurian AW, Jagsi R, Radhakrishnan A, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Hawley ST, Katz SJ. Cancer. 2019;125(11):1815-1822.

Genetic Testing and Results in a Population-Based Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients and Ovarian Cancer Patients

Kurian AW, Ward KC, Howlander N, Deapen D, Hamilton AS, Mariotto A, Miller D, Penberthy LS, Katz SJ. JCO. 2019;32(15):1305-1315.

Understanding the engagement of key decision support persons in patient decision making around breast cancer treatment

Veenstra CM, Wallner LP, Abrahamse PH, Kanz NK, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. Cancer. 2019;125(10):1709-1716.

Provider Involvement in Care During Initial Cancer Treatment and Patient Preferences for Provider Roles After Initial Treatment

Radhakrishnan A, Li Y, Furgal AKC, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Jagsi R, Katz SJ, Hawley ST, Wallner LP. JCO. 2019;15(4):e328-e337.

Preferences for Physician Roles in Follow-up Care During Survivorship: Do Patients, Primary Care Providers, and Oncologists Agree?

Radhakrishnan A, McLeod MC, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Katz SJ, Hawley ST, Wallner LP. JGIM. February 2019;34(2):184-186.

Physician Attitudes About Cost Consciousness for Breast Cancer Treatment: Differences by Cancer Sub-Specialty

Resnicow K, Patel MR, McLeod MC, Katz SJ, Jagsi R. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2019;173(1):31-36.

Association of Germline Genetic Test Type and Results With Patient Cancer Worry After Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Katz SJ, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Abrahamse P, Hawley ST, Kurian AW. JCO Precision Oncology Published online December 19, 2018 [Epub ahead of print].

Surgeon Attitudes Toward the Omission of Axillary Dissection in Early Breast Cancer

Morrow M, Jagsi R, McLeod MC, Shumway D, Katz SJ. JAMA Oncol 1 November 2018;4(11):1511-1516.

Knowledge about and patterns of genetic testing in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients participating in the iCanDecide Trial

Gornick MC, Kurian AW, An LC, Fagerlin A, Jagsi R, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. Cancer 15 October 2018;124(20):4000-4009.

Association of Attending Surgeon With Variation in the Receipt of Genetic Testing After Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Katz SJ, Bondarenko I, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Morrow M, Kurian AW, Hofer TP. JAMA Surg 1 October 2018;153(10):909-916.

Unmet Need for Clinician Engagement Regarding Financial Toxicity After Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Jagsi R, Ward KC, Abrahamse PH, Wallner LP, Kurian AW, Hamilton AS, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. Cancer 15 September 2018;124(18):3668-3676.

Patient Views and Correlates of Radiotherapy Omission in a Population-Based Sample of Older Women with Favorable Prognosis Breast Cancer

Shumway DA, Griffith KA, Hawley ST, Wallner LP, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Morrow M, Katz SJ, Jagsi R. Cancer 1 July 2018;124(13):2714-2723.

Uptake, Results, and Outcomes of Germline Multiple-Gene Sequencing After Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Kurian AW, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Deapen DM, Abrahamse P, Bondarenko I, Li Y, Hawley ST, Morrow M, Jagsi R, Katz SJ. JAMA Oncol 2018 August 1;4(8):1066-1072.

Recent Trends in Chemotherapy Use and Oncologists’ Treatment Recommendations for Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Kurian AW, Bondarenko I, Jagsi R, Friese CR, McLeod MC, Hawley ST, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Katz SJ. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1 May 2018;110(5):493-500.

Gaps in Receipt of Clinically Indicated Genetic Counseling After Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Katz SJ, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, McLeod MC, Wallner LP, Morrow M, Jagsi R, Hawley ST, Kurian AW. J Clin Oncol 20 April 2018;36(12):1218-1224.

Patient Experiences and Clinician Views on the Role of Radiation Therapy for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

Shumway D, McLeod CM, Morrow M, Li Y, Kurian AW, Sabolch A, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Katz SJ, Hawley ST, Jagsi R. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2018 April 1;100(5):1237-1245.

Reducing Overtreatment of Cancer With Precision Medicine: Just What the Doctor Ordered

Katz SJ, Jagsi R, Morrow M. JAMA 20 March 2018;319(11):1091-1092.

Improving Breast Cancer Surgical Treatment Decision Making: The iCanDecide Randomized Clinical Trial

Hawley ST,  Li Y,  An LC, Resnicow K, Janz NK, Sabel MS, Ward KC, Fagerlin A, Morrow M, Reshma Jagsi, Hofer TP, Katz SJ. Journal Clinical Oncology. March 2018; 36(7): 659-666.

Surgeon Influence on Variation in Receipt of Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy For Women With Breast Cancer

Katz SJ, Hawley ST, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Morrow M, Jagsi R, Hofer TP. JAMA Surg. 1 January 2018;153(1):29-36.

What Factors Influence Women’s Perceptions of their Systemic Recurrence Risk after Breast Cancer Treatment?

Lee KL, Janz NK, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Jagsi R, Wallner LP, Kurian AW, Katz SJ, Abrahamse P, Hawley ST. Med Decis Making. 2018 January 1; 38(1): 95-106.

Treatment decisions and employment of breast cancer patients: Results of a population-based survey

Jagsi R, Abrahamse PH, Lee KL, Wallner LP, Janz NK, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Morrow M, Kurian AW, Friese CR, Hawley ST. and Katz SJ. Cancer. 2017 December 15;123(24):4791-4799.

Trends in Reoperation After Initial Lumpectomy for Breast Cancer: Addressing Overtreatment in Surgical Management

Morrow M, Abrahamse P, Hofer TP, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Kurian AW, Katz SJ, Jagsi R. JAMA Oncol 1 October 2017;3(10):1352-1357.

Patient Preferences for Primary Care Provider Roles in Breast Cancer Survivorship Care

Wallner LP, Li Y, Furgal AKC, Friese CR, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Jagsi R, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. J Clin Oncol September 2017;35(25):2942-2948.

The association between patient attitudes and values and the strength of consideration for contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in a population-based sample of breast cancer patients

Hawley ST, Griffith KA, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Morrow M, Janz NK, Katz SJ, Jagsi R. Cancer. 2017 Dec 1;123(23):4547-4555.

Oncologists’ influence on receipt of adjuvant chemotherapy: does it matter whom you see for treatment of curable breast cancer?

Katz SJ, Hawley ST, Bondarenko I, Jagsi R, Ward KC, Hofer TP, Kurian AW. Breast Cancer Res Treat (2017) 165: 751-756.

Decision-support networks of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer

Wallner LP, Li Y, McLeod MC, Hamilton AS, Ward K C, Veenstra CM, An LC, Janz NK, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. Cancer  2017 October 15;123(20):3895-3903.

Treatment experiences of Latinas after diagnosis of breast cancer

Katz SJ, Wallner LP, Abrahamse PH, Janz NK, Martinez KA, Shumway DA, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Resnicow KA, Hawley ST. Cancer 2017 Aug 15;123(16):3022-3030.

Gaps in Incorporating Germline Genetic Testing Into Treatment Decision-Making for Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Kurian AW, Li Y, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Hawley ST, Morrow M, McLeod MC, Jagsi R, Katz SJ. J Clin Oncol July 2017; 35:20, 2232-2239.

Patient Reactions to Surgeon Recommendations About Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy for Treatment of Breast Cancer

Katz SJ, Janz NK, Abrahamse P, Wallner LP, Hawley ST, An LC, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Morrow M, Jagsi R. JAMA Surg 2017 July 1;152(7):658-664.

Surgeon Attitudes and Use of MRI in Patients Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Morrow M, Hawley ST, McLeod MC, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Katz SJ, Jagsi R. Ann Surg Oncol Jul 2017; 24(7):1889-1896.

Treatment-associated toxicities reported by patients with early-stage invasive breast cancer

Friese CR, Harrison JM, Janz NK, Jagsi R, Morrow M, Li Y, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Kurian AK, Katz SJ, Hofer TP. Cancer Jun 2017; 123(11):1925-1934.

Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy Decisions in a Population-Based Sample of Patients With Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Jagsi R, Hawley ST, Griffith KA, Janz NK, Kurian AW, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Morrow M, Katz SJ. JAMA Surg Mar 2017; 152(3):274-282.

Second Opinions From Medical Oncologists for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Prevalence, Correlates, and Consequences

Kurian AW, Friese CR, Bondarenko I, Jagsi R, Li Y, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Katz SJ. JAMA Oncol Mar 2017; 3(3):391-397.

Study protocol: A randomized controlled trial of a comprehensive breast cancer treatment patient decision tool (iCanDecide)

Hawley ST, Li Y, Jeanpierre LA, Goodell S, Jagsi R, Ward KC, Sabel MS, Katz SJ. Contemp Clin Trials Commun Mar 2017; 5:123-132.

Genetic Testing and Counseling Among Patients With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer

Kurian AW, Griffith KA, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Morrow M, Katz SJ, Jagsi R. JAMA Feb 2017; 317(5):531-534.

The impact of doctor-patient communication on patients’ perceptions of their risk of breast cancer recurrence

Janz NK, Li Y, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Jagsi R, Kurian AW, An LC, McLeod MC, Lee KL, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. Breast Cancer Res Treat Feb 2017; 161(3):525-535.

Recurrence risk perception and quality of life following treatment of breast cancer

Hawley ST, Janz NK, Griffith KA, Jagsi R, Friese CR, Kurian AW, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Morrow M, Wallner LP, Katz SJ. Breast Cancer Res Treat Feb 2017; 161(3):557-565.

The influence of 21-gene recurrence score assay on chemotherapy use in a population-based sample of breast cancer patients

Li Y, Kurian AW, Bondarenko I, Taylor JM, Jagsi R, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Katz SJ, Hofer TP. Breast Cancer Res Treat Feb 2017; 161(3):587-595.

Chemotherapy Decisions and Patient Experience With the Recurrence Score Assay for Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Friese CR, Li Y, Bondarenko I, Hofer TP, Ward KC, Hamilton AS, Deapen D, Kurian AW, Katz SJ. Cancer Jan 2017; 123(1):43-51.

Discordance between original and central laboratories in ER and HER2 results in a diverse, population-based sample

Griggs JJ, Hamilton AS, Schwartz KL, Zhao W, Abrahamse PH, Thomas DG, Jorns JM, Jewell R, Saber ME, Haque R, Katz SJ. Breast Cancer Res Treat Jan 2017; 161(2):375-384.

Does physician communication style impact patient report of decision quality for breast cancer treatment?

Martinez KA, Resnicow K, Williams GC, Silva M, Abrahamse P, Shumway DA, Wallner LP, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. Patient Educ Couns Dec 2016; 99(12):1947-1954.

Use of Online Communication by Patients With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer During the Treatment Decision Process

Wallner LP, Martinez KA, Li Y, Jagsi R, Janz NK, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. JAMA Oncol Dec 2016; 2(12):1654-1656.

Involvement of Primary Care Physicians in the Decision Making and Care of Patients With Breast Cancer

Wallner LP, Abrahamse P, Uppal JK, Friese CR, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. J Clin Oncol Nov 2016; 34(33):3969-3975.

Evaluating a Decision Aid for Improving Decision Making in Patients with Early-stage Breast Cancer

Hawley ST, Newman L, Griggs JJ, Kosir MA, Katz SJ. Patient Apr 2016; 9(2): 161-9.

Prescription drug coverage: implications for hormonal therapy adherence in women diagnosed with breast cancer

Bradley CJ, Dahman B, Jagsi R, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2015; 154(2): 417-22.

Addressing Overtreatment in DCIS: What Should Physicians Do Now?

Morrow M, Katz SJ. J Natl Cancer Inst 2015 Sep 30; 107(12):djv290.

Treatment Decision Making and Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer: Mainstreaming Mutations

Katz SJ, Kurian A, Morrow M. JAMA 2015 Sep 8; 314(10):997-8.

Cancer Care Delivery Research and the National Cancer Institute SEER Program Challenges and Opportunities.

Katz SJ. JAMA Oncol 2015 Aug 1. 1(5):677-8.

Concerns About Cancer Risk and Experiences With Genetic Testing in a Diverse Population of Patients With Breast Cancer.

Jagsi R, Griffith K, Kurian A, Morrow M, Hamilton A, Graff J, Katz S, Hawley S. J Clin Oncol 2015 Apr 6; 33(14): 1584-91.

Patient-Reported Quality of Life and Satisfaction with Cosmetic Outcomes After Breast Conservation and Mastectomy with and without Reconstruction: Results of a Survey of Breast Cancer Survivors.

Jagsi R, Li Y, Morrow M, Janz NK, Alderman AK, Graff JJ, Hamilton A, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. Ann Surg 2015;  261(6):1198-206.

Development and psychometric properties of a brief measure of subjective decision quality for breast cancer treatment.

Resnicow K, Abrahamse P, Tocco RS, Hawley S, Griggs J, Janz N, Fagerlin A, Wilson A, Ward KC, Gabram SG, Katz SJ. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2014; 14:110.

Access to breast reconstruction after mastectomy and patient perspectives on reconstruction decision making.

Morrow M, Li Y, Alderman AK, Jagsi R, Hamilton AS, Graff JJ, Hawley ST, Katz SJ. JAMA Surg 2014; 149(10): 1015-21.

Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy on long-term employment of survivors of early-stage breast cancer.

Jagsi R, Hawley ST, Abrahamse P, Li Y, Janz NK, Griggs JJ, Bradley C, Graff JJ, Hamilton AS, Katz SJ. Cancer 2014; 120(12): 1854-62.

Social and clinical determinants of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy.

Hawley ST, Jagsi R, Morrow M, Janz NK, Hamilton A, Graff JJ, Katz SJ. JAMA Surg 2014; 149(6):582-589.

Providers of follow-up care in a population-based sample of breast care survivors.

Friese CR, Martinez KA, Abrahamse P, Hamilton AS, Graff JJ, Jagsi R, Griggs JJ, Hawley ST, Katz SJ. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2014; 144(1):179-84.

Long-term financial burden of breast cancer: experiences of a diverse cohort of survivors identified through population-based registries.

Jagsi R, Pottow JA, Griffith KA, Bradley C, Hamilton AS, Graff J, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. J Clin Oncol 2014; 32(12):1269-1276.

Treatment decision aids are unlikely to cut healthcare costs.

Katz, SJ. BMJ 2014; 348:g1172.

The value of sharing treatment decision-making with patients: are we expecting too much?

Katz SJ, Hawley ST. JAMA 2013; 310(15): 1559-1560.

Addressing Over-Treatment in Breast Cancer: The Doctors’ Dilemma.

Katz SJ, Morrow M. Cancer 2013; 119(20): 3584-3588.

Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy for Breast Cancer: Addressing Peace of Mind.

Katz SJ, Morrow M. JAMA 2013; 310(8): 793-794.

Adjuvant endocrine therapy initiation and persistence in a diverse sample of patients with breast cancer.

Friese CR, Pini TM, Li Y, Abrahamse PH, Graff JJ, Hamilton AS, Jagsi R, Janz NK, Hawley ST, Katz SJ, Griggs JJ. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2013; 138(3):931-9.

The Challenge of Individualizing Treatments for Patients with Breast Cancer.

Katz SJ, Morrow M. JAMA 2012; 13(307): 1379-1380.

Dissemination of Quality Care Research Findings to Breast Oncology Surgeons

Shiovitz S, Gay A, Morris A, Katz SJ, Hawley ST. J Oncol Pract 2011;7(4):257-62.

Coordinating Cancer Care: Patient and Practice Management Processes Among Surgeons Who Treat Breast Cancer.

Katz SJ, Hawley ST, Morrow M, Griggs JJ, Jagsi R, Hamilton AS, Graff JJ, Friese CR, Hofer TP. Medical Care 2010; 48(1): 45-51.

Surgeon recommendations and receipt of mastectomy for treatment of breast cancer.

Morrow M, Jagsi R, Alderman AK, Griggs JJ, Hawley ST, Hamilton AS, Graff JJ, Katz SJ. JAMA 2009; 302(14): 1551-1556.

Decision involvement and receipt of mastectomy among racially and ethnically diverse breast cancer patients.

Hawley ST, Hamilton AS, Graff JJ, Janz NK, Griggs JJ, Morrow M, Jagsi R, Salem B, Katz SJ. J Nat Cancer Inst 2009; 101(19): 1337-1447.

Racial/ethnic differences in adequacy of information and support for women with breast cancer.

Janz NK, Mujahid MS, Hawley ST, Griggs JJ, Hamilton AS, Katz SJ. Cancer 2008; 113(5): 1058-67.

Symptom Experience and Quality of Life of Women Following Breast Cancer Treatment.

Janz NK, Mujahid M, Chung LK, Lantz PM, Fagerlin A, Hawley ST, Morrow M, Schwartz K, Katz SJ. J Womens Health 2007; 16(9): 1348-1361.

Patient satisfaction with the treatment of breast cancer: does surgeon specialization matter?

Waljee JF, Hawley ST, Alderman AK, Morrow M, Katz SJ. J Clin Oncol 2007; 25(24): 3694-3698.